
"Stop helping the GM Kill Us!"

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Leia Raven Blackheart-Solo

Leia is the oldest child of Mal and Kaileen Blackheart-Solo, Han's twin sister. She is seemingly obsessed with partying and her own popularity. She is an excellent pilot. 

Age: 17

Class: Scoundrel

Player: Kris

Race: Human

Casting: Teresa Palmer

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Han Alvin Blackheart-Solo

Han is the younger child of Mal and Kaileen Blackheart-Solo, Leia's twin brother. He tries hard to balance being responsible with having fun. 

Age: 17

Class: Jedi Consular

Player: Drew

Race: Human

Casting: Liam Hemsworth

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Zeon Gascano

Zeon is the first of his lineage to become a Jedi. He graduated with Han and is best friends with the twins.

Age: 17

Class: Jedi Guardian

Player: Mike

Race:  Xecto

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Kyū is a trained guard who decided he didn't like his employer and signed on with Zeon, Han, and Leia.

Age: 17

Class: Soldier

Player: Brennan

Race: Trandoshan